life is but a hallway

the doors to the world of the wild self, are few but precious. if you have a deep scar, that is a door. if you have an old, old story, that is a door. if you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bare it, that is a door. if you want a deeper life. a fuller life. a sane life. that is a door. ~ clarissa pinkola esté 🚪✨👣💭🌹🌿

my favorite quote…

i am simply allowing this season of death and rebirth to close doors that are meant to shut and open new ones i’m meant to explore. life is but a hallway of doors, dear friends. some stay shut. others slam shut. others allow you to walk through, again and again. some you only peek through. some take you to places you never guessed you would go. some lead you right back home.

they’re all perfect.

they’re all divine.

they’re all waiting for you.

in The Interior Castle by Teresa of Ávila, she speaks of the soul as a castle with many rooms and many doors. it’s a metaphor for the powers of the ego we must pass through in order to ascend into our higher consciousness. gods mansion. each “door” aka relationship, job, shadow self etc… has a certain quality to it that has the power to remind us of the truth of who we are meant to be.

the doors you’ve already walked through, whether they’ve brought trauma or bliss, were yours to experience. they weren’t random. they weren’t mistakes. each one brought you to this moment. and yet, we get lost trying to rationalize the divine mystery, asking, why this door? why not that one? was it meant to teach me something? was it punishment? was it necessary?

we chase reasons, desperate to give meaning to the chaos, clinging to the idea that everything happens for a reason. maybe it does. maybe it doesn’t. the divine isn’t always something to be understood— it’s something to be trusted. we can’t use materialistic logic to make sense of the chaos of the divine. we can only lean in.

& remember

you guide the experiences you have when you decide what doors stay open and which ones must shut. the hallway is your creation, but the divine holds the keys to the rooms you’re ready for.

so step forward, dear friends, into this season of endings and beginnings. don’t be afraid to let doors close. don’t hesitate to open the ones that call to you. and when you find yourself lingering in the hallway, unsure of what’s next, know that even the pause has its purpose.

every door you walk through, is a stitch in time— helping to weave the tapestry of life. cherish it all.


tiktok, tiktok…


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