it’s not the destination… it’s the journey
in yoga practices, you’ll often hear it’s not about how each asana looks… it’s about how it feels
this reminder is to help take you out of trying to perfect the form of the pose & get you used to feeling your body and reestablish the mind, body connection
if you can learn to feel the stretch in all of the right places, then the form will come as you build flexibility and strength
BUT! this used to infuriate me, hahah at first, I truly didn’t understand my thought process was that if I was doing the pose correctly, then it would feel right… not the other way around
& finally, after years of practice, I began to understand what it meant to first feel, then come into form
lately I’ve been realizing how this truth carry’s over to our day to day lives, too… becoming your “higher self” or being “authentic” or “embodied” all became buzzwords in 2023 ~ but ultimately it shows that we are on a search for self
there is this desire to become a more open expression of our purest essence
a remembrance of the pulsation of unconditional love
yet, this idea has been flipped on its head by distracting us from the the true frequency of that pulsation of Christ consciousness
we’ve been looking in all of the wrong places
because of living in this age of materialism we want quick fixes, immediate gratification, & we end up doing the same thing that I was doing with the yoga poses- just trying to skip to the good part…
it keeps us from feeling the depth of our lived experiences / being truly in the present moment & grounded in love
& we wonder why we feel out of touch with ourselves
all the while we tolerate out of alignment relationships, jobs, friendships, beliefs, emotions…
we invest in things instead of in moments and in connection
& lose touch with our spiritual selves
we forget that we have to practice feeling into the person we want to be and have forgotten the language of vibration that helps us to attune ourselves to the frequency of our desires for our “perfect form” aka higher self / authentic self blah blah blah…
but friends… it’s not about just suddenly changing, or finding that perfect form
it’s equally, if not more about, that journey that gets you to that place within yourself
and really asking yourself where you can do more work without the distraction of all the trendy new agey spirituality and pop psychology and other people trying to tell you who you are or what you think or what your ego tries to tell you about who you are, what you think….
& what do you think? in that quiet, still yet gently stirring place within your heart…
what does it say to you, about who you are? where you are? why you’re here? how you got here? where you’re going? where were all going? what is next? what your place is in all of it?
strip away everything and what’s left?
this is what the solstice always asks of me
as we approach Yule ~
remember everything is not always what it seems & in the yin and Yang of life, you must always look to find the light in the darkest of times
this is where your truest essence lives…
in the light that always remains
so let us allow the energy of this solstice to call back the Sun~ Yeshua as we embrace this opening deep info our hearts center
namaste friends ~ shelb